Some new centre cap decals as the existing ones were a mess. Untidy looking. Can’t leave them like that. Much better. Wheels need a clean though….. Thought I’d add some decals to the spokes too. I measured out and used masking tape to make a guide for fitting the decal. I marked around the guide […]
lotus elise
S1 Elise – Steering Rack Raiser Plates
As with any car, when the ride height is changed the suspension and steering geometry will be effected. I have set the Elise ride height a bit lower than standard and though I’ve done a full alignment including the front camber and toe. This doesn’t do anything to compensate for the hubs having effectively been […]
S1 Elise – Big Diffuser
The Elise already had a longer than standard diffuser but it wasn’t longer enough for me… This is how the one on it looked. And this is the bigger one I got, with 6 fins too. Old and new compared. A layer of some protection applied before fitting. Some stainless and rubber washers. Front edge […]
S1 Elise – Corner Weight Adjustment
After completing the suspension refresh the Elise needed a full wheel alignment. I set the toe and camber all round and got the ride height about where I wanted it then drove the Elise a bit before going round and checking/adjusting any alignment settings plus double checking various nuts and bolts. So as I was […]
S1 Elise – Fitting the Front Splitter Straight
After the suspension refresh I did a full wheel alignment and eventually got to doing the corner weights (more on that another time). When going round the car, checking the ride height I also kept an eye on how the bodywork sat in relation to the floor particularly as the front was now a bit […]
S1 Elise – Lambda Sensor Replacement
When I fitted the new exhaust manifold and downpipe setup I couldn’t refit the lambda sensor that was in the exhaust I removed as it had been butchered by a previous mechanic/owner (see here). So I had a look through the spares I have from various donor/previously owned Rovers and Minis and found one to […]
S1 Elise – Engine Oil and Filter Change
As spring was on it’s way and the Elise would soon be allowed out of the garage again it was time to get some fresh oil in the engine and a new oil filter on. Oil, filter and sump plug washers. I had already removed the filter for better access when replacing the exhaust manifold […]
S1 Elise – Head Outlet Coolant Leak Fix
While I was replacing the exhaust manifold and heat shielding I had a general look around where I was working, particularly those places that are otherwise impossible to see with everything in place. The only thing I found was a possible slight water leak from the gasket between the engine head and the coolant outlet […]
S1 Elise – Final Fit of the Exhaust, and Heat Shields
Having test fitted all the parts I fabricated to be sure I was happy with them (see here, here and here). The exhaust, exhaust heat shield and alternator heat shield could all be fitted for the last time with new gaskets and fixings. Everything ready to fit. New exhaust manifold gasket in place. Engine mount […]
S1 Elise – Making an Alternator Heat Shield
Following on from the previous two posts about making an exhaust heat shield and wrapping the exhaust I wanted to give the alternator some protection too. The exhaust manifold is quite close to the alternator on K-Series engines. This is not a major problem with adequate heat shielding and good airflow to the alternator. The […]