It’s time to sell the MX5. We bought it on a bit of a whim nearly 3 years ago and it’s been great, never let us down even though it’s 26 years old and I’ve nearly doubled it’s power with the supercharger. We will genuinely be a bit sad to see it go but I […]
MX5 – Exedy Clutch Upgrade
As far as I knew the clutch in the MX5 was nothing special. It had clearly been replaced at some point but I had no idea what with or how long ago. So I knew there was a chance it might not be able to handle the additional torque the supercharger setup was going to […]
MX5 – Supercharger Overheating the Power Steering Fluid
Well this problem could probably have been predicted! The outlet of the supercharger is quite close to the power steering fluid reservoir and obviously the supercharger outlet gets quite hot so on a few occasions the power steering fluid overflowed a little, I assume just due to it expanding with the heat and it was […]
MX5 – New Supercharger Belt, Spark Plugs and Oil Change
Nothing too exciting but good to document. The belt I first got for driving the supercharger was the cheapest I could find at the time in case it was the wrong length. It had also had a pretty hard time in the early days of running the supercharger while I got the pulleys lined up […]
MX5 – Supercharger Build Finished
I think it might be finished or at least as finished as any project can be. I had a bit of a move around of gauges inside. I found having the wideband gauge low down a bit of a problem when trying to catch a look at it to keep an eye on fueling while […]
MX5 – Recirculating Dump Valve Problem
When I built the supercharger setup I decided to use a cheap recirculating single piston dump valve to vent boost when coming off the throttle and stop the charger boosting at idle. I chose this over a buttefly valve as fitted to the original Mini supercharger setup for two reasons. Firstly the dump valve was […]
MX5 – Eaton M45 Supercharger Water Pump Drive Blanking Plate
Having done a few miles in the MX5 now with the supercharger on I’ve been giving everything a regular look over to keep an eye out for any problems that might come up. Well I noticed the other day that it looked like there was a light coating of oil over the exhaust shield […]
MX5 – Crank Oil Seal Replacement
Well running the supercharger highlighted a problem with oil leaking past the front crank oil seal. Obviously this is not what you want to see arriving under any car though fairly normal for a classic Mini! 😉 This job is basically a timing belt change with the added step of swapping the oil seal. As […]
MX5 – Time to get the Supercharger back on
Having got the garage done and the Evo ready for sale I could finally get back to the the MX5 supercharging project I almost finished last year but just ran out of time. So I got everything out of storage in the roof of the garage and tried to remember how I’d put it all […]
MX5 – Handbrake Cable Replacement and Unblocking the Drain Pipes
I replaced the drivers side handbrake cable a while back see here. Inevitable the passenger side one now needed doing too. I was very happy with the quality of the Pagid replacement cable I got last time so I got a Pagid item again. Old one out, new one in place one end and the other […]