The left fog light cover could do with a new decal and a little freshen up with a layer of lacquer so I carefully measured the dimensions of the original STI decals and had an eBay seller make me some exact copies of them for me. I wanted to make sure I placed the new […]
japanese import
Forester STI – Pre ‘Undersealing’ Masking Everything
When you’re spraying any kind of paint you can guarantee it will end up on everything, not just the bits you want to paint. It amazes me how many body shops haven’t figured this out given the number of cars I’ve seen that have had paintwork done and are covered in over spray. So when […]
Forester STI – Pre ‘Undersealing’ Hydrate 80 Treatment
After stripping down the underside and having gone looking for any areas that had any sign of the early stages of rust. Now the best thing to do was apply Hydrate 80 rust killer to prevent the surface rust becoming more than that in years to come. No point being shy with it. […]
Forester STI – Pre ‘Undersealing’ Strip Down
After thoroughly cleaning the underside anywhere I could with a pressure washer and allowing everything to dry out. Now it was time to get the car up on the lift and start removing any plastic trims and some suspension parts that would make the job of spraying the protective coatings easier and more effective. This […]
Forester STI – The Stonechip and Underseal / Cavity Wax Products I Chose and Why
The main reason I wanted a newly or at least recently imported car was how clean and rust free they are underneath. When I looked at a few cars for sale, the ones that had been in the UK for years had started to look pretty ropey underneath with lots of areas of rust. Rust […]
Forester STI – Replacing a Rear Wheel Stud
When I took the wheels off for the first time I was a bit disappointing to find a broken wheel stud. There was enough of the stud left to screw the wheel nut on but not really enough to tighten it up properly. After a bit of research I found that this isn’t that uncommon […]