The slightly temporary induction setup I made with the ITG carbon fibre air box and filter was doing OK but I wanted to do something a bit better so I came back to it with a fresh pair of eyes and some better access. For the better access I needed to remove the wheel arch […]
MX5 – Supercharger Overheating the Power Steering Fluid
Well this problem could probably have been predicted! The outlet of the supercharger is quite close to the power steering fluid reservoir and obviously the supercharger outlet gets quite hot so on a few occasions the power steering fluid overflowed a little, I assume just due to it expanding with the heat and it was […]
MX5 – Eaton M45 Supercharger Water Pump Drive Blanking Plate
Having done a few miles in the MX5 now with the supercharger on I’ve been giving everything a regular look over to keep an eye out for any problems that might come up. Well I noticed the other day that it looked like there was a light coating of oil over the exhaust shield […]
MX5 – Time to get the Supercharger back on
Having got the garage done and the Evo ready for sale I could finally get back to the the MX5 supercharging project I almost finished last year but just ran out of time. So I got everything out of storage in the roof of the garage and tried to remember how I’d put it all […]
MX5 – Moving the Radiator Fan and Preventing Airflow Over the Radiator
(First posted on MX5 nutz forum in February 2016) Just a few pics of sorting out the rad fan and cowl to keep airflow through the rad in its new position. It was a choice between trimming the fan cowl and moving the power steering pipes out the way to use the original mounting points […]
MX5 – A Couple of Little Jobs and a Carbon Air Filter
(First posted on MX5 nutz forum in May 2015) A previous owner had fitted new speakers in the front doors but not all that well. No grille and just screwed to the plastic trim so I thought I’d see if I could do anything better with them. This is what I found when I removed the […]