Having white walls really helps spread light around so it’s well worth doing. We thought it was a bit of a shame to completely cover the nice bricks though. So we didn’t paint the pillars we just PVA’d them to keep them from being dusty, while the rest was given 2 coats of masonry paint. The first coat was diluted a bit with water to help it go on and provide a good base for the final coat.
First coat on. A bit patchy.
Second coat on. Now we know two coats does the job ok, on to the rest of it.
Walls all swept down, sockets and switches removed and holes filled.
PVA on the pillars.
Time for some paint.
Well that’s most of it done but we’ll still need to do half of the back wall when I pull the bench out and the wall next to the Mini which we’ll do after we’ve got the new door fitted so we can move the Mini out of the way.