(First posted on MX5 nutz forum in February 2016)
It’s intercooler fitting time.
Well almost. Got to make space for it first.
It was bound to end up getting knocked around while trying to fit it so I did this as a bit of protection.
After a fair bit of staring and moving things about I figured the easiest thing to do would be drop the rad a little and move just the top back by about 2.5 inches.
A light placed behind the bottom of the rad to show the gap underneath that could be closed up, giving a bit more room above. I hope that gap isn’t there for a good reason like allowing air flow over the sump or something???
Lower rad brackets removed and hangers cut off
Some steel to extend the hangers
Some matched Neo green paint.
bit of surface rust behind the brackets
Modified rad brackets in.
Rad and intercooler will both fit in together now.