I can make quite alot of mess and dust in the garage especially when doing things like cutting/grinding metal or spraying paint. That mess will just end up all over Jem’s Mini, even if it’s covered up, it can get through and I don’t really want to fill the cover with metal dust when I’m cutting or welding next to it.
A curtain was the obvious solution but I wanted it to be clear to stop it closing the garage in and making it feel smaller. So I looked for some kind of industrial clear curtain and rail but they get quite expensive when you need something of a specific size as I did. I came up with a much cheaper option.
A cheap curtain rail that I could get in a long enough continuous length, most can’t be got in the 4m length I needed.
And a couple of clear tarpaulins.
Rail up.
Rail clips slotted on to the tarp easy.
Happy with that as it was way cheaper than it might might have been.
I also added a finishing touch. I was given this years ago and this seemed a very appropriate place to put it.
Jem’s happy with her special Mini parking space.