Having found myself a fairly recent Japanese import Forester STI. I wanted to give the underside the best chance of surviving UK winter roads as I could. Leaving it with no protection as it came from Japan was not an option. Too many newly imported cars are given a quick and cheap spray over the […]
Forester STI – Cavity Wax and Full Underside Wax Treatment
With the Dinitrol Super Protect 447 applied, next I could deal with protecting the body shell and subframe cavities. I could also apply a layer of wax to the whole underside. There wouldn’t be much point in me putting in all this time and effort to protect the outer surfaces of the body shell and […]
Forester STI – Dinitrol Protect Super 447 Anti Stonechip Coating
So the underside of the Forester has been cleaned, stripped of bits of trim and some suspension and anything I didn’t remove that I don’t want to spray has been masked. It’s finally time to start spraying the Dinitrol Protect Super 447 Anti Stonechip layer. But before I got started I took some pictures of […]
Forester STI – Pre ‘Undersealing’ Hydrate 80 Treatment
After stripping down the underside and having gone looking for any areas that had any sign of the early stages of rust. Now the best thing to do was apply Hydrate 80 rust killer to prevent the surface rust becoming more than that in years to come. No point being shy with it. […]
Forester STI – Pre ‘Undersealing’ Wash and Chlor-X Treatment of the Underside
Having done my research, decided on the best overall treatment for the underside of the Forester and now got all the various bits delivered. There was nothing left to do but get on with it. The first and very important part of the whole process was cleaning the underside properly. I started by using a […]
Forester STI – The Stonechip and Underseal / Cavity Wax Products I Chose and Why
The main reason I wanted a newly or at least recently imported car was how clean and rust free they are underneath. When I looked at a few cars for sale, the ones that had been in the UK for years had started to look pretty ropey underneath with lots of areas of rust. Rust […]
Jem’s Mini – Rustbuster Epoxy 121 Paint for the New Sills
When I replaced the sills and welded some repairs on Jem’s Mini a couple of years ago I just put a couple of layers of Hammerite black on but I always wanted to find something a bit better and more hard wearing. So a while back I did some research and found what looks like […]