Jem’s Mini – Heater Matrix Water Leak

I got a lot of work done to Jem’s Mini a few years ago in replacing and repairing the inner and outer sills on both sides and welding some repairs in a couple of other areas but since then I’ve just done the bare minimum of a general check with the odd small job prior […]

Jem’s Mini – Roll Cage Fitting

We always wanted to put a roll cage in Jem’s Mini for a bit of additional safety and to improve the rigidity of the shell. But I couldn’t fit one to the car with the old sills in the rusty state they were, it would have been pointless. Well since I’d replaced the sills I […]

Jem’s Mini – Proper Clean, Polish and Wax

Jem’s Mini had been trapped at the back of the garage the whole time the front was being extended and then stuck in it’s new space while we did all sorts of building work around it, waiting for the new garage door. Although it was covered, it got pretty dusty and messy especially with concrete and […]